Saturday, May 26, 2012

God-sized prayers for Uganda

Lately, I sense the need to ask God for some prayers that walk by faith more than sight. Here are three biggies. Want to pray with me?

1) Based on an idea I heard from the book :58, I'm praying for the end of extreme poverty in this generation's lifetime. The World Bank defines the end of extreme poverty as a global extreme poverty rate below 2% (equivalent to an American trying to live on $1.25 per day).

2) Prodded on by Tim Keller, I've been convicted by Jeremiah 29:7: But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare. Now, in no way am I seeing myself as an exile in Uganda. :) But God seems to be indicating I should pray for this great city. A lot of times that comes in the form of praying that the government will be free of corruption, or for the healthcare and educational systems and the infrastructure that can give a mzungu a heart attack. I want to cheer Uganda on in prayer, along with God's work here.

3) I'm praying for the capture of Joseph Kony, as well as him being brought to justice and salvation.

I'd love to hear other big prayers that you're praying.

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